Goulburn Valley Health is tendering for another project requiring suppliers and contractors to demonstrate their level of certification to the following management standards:
Environmental, Demonstrated certification of your environmental management system is ISO14001 undertaking to remain certified for the duration of the Contract
Quality, Demonstrated certification of your quality management system is ISO9001 undertaking to remain certified for the duration of the Contract
Occupational Health and Safety, Compliance, to the satisfaction of the Principal, with the requirements of the mandatory criterion for occupational health and safety management, set out in the DTF ‘Detailed Guidance on Occupational Health and Safety Management Criteria’
The project asks businesses to confirm if their systems are compliant or not.
Pass (strongest)
Fail (weakest)
The strongest response to this requirement is a 3rd Party Certified Integrated Management System (IMS).
How can CVC help?
CVC can help you demonstrate your suitability for this project by completing a 3rd Party Certification Audit to the:
Environment ISO14001:2015 Management Standard
Quality ISO9001:2015 Management Standard
Safety ISO45001:2018 Management Standard
We can also provide a Letter of Compliance Audit for the DTF ‘Detailed Guidance on Occupational Health and Safety Management Criteria’.
ICN Gateway's description of the project
"The Goulburn Valley Health (Shepparton) Refurbishment (GVH) Compliance Works project scope includes:
Package A Kitchen, Staff Dining, and Doctors' Accommodation
Package B Building B Compliance
Package C Sitewide Compliance – Phase D – Reg 233 Existing Fire Walls Upgrade, incl Building C
These works form the Compliance Works of a larger redevelopment project at the Goulburn Valley Health (Shepparton). The project aims to provide a quality environment for staff and patients within existing buildings at Goulburn Valley Health (Shepparton). Please refer to GVH Compliance Works Scope of Works for further details of each package."

CVC is proud to be a Premium ICN Gateway member, see our profile here.
Visit gateway.icn.org.au for project information.