The Country Fire Authority Victoria is tendering for another project requiring suppliers and contractors to demonstrate their level of certification and requires:
The Tenderer shall attach a copy of a certified Occupational Health and Safety Plan (OHS Plan), together with any documentation evidencing certification of their individual enterprise by a recognised independent authority. Accepted certification and /or approved assurance systems provided by recognised independent authorities include:
AS 4801 2001: OHS Management Systems;
Civil Contractors Federation Management Code; and
Australian Government Building and Construction WHS Accreditation Scheme
Tenderers shall demonstrate in their submission that they have an appropriate environment management
system operating within their individual enterprise in accordance with “Implementation Guidelines to the Victorian
Code of Practice for the Building and Construction Industry”.
The strongest response to this requirement is a Third Party Certified to the ISO Standards.
How can CVC help?
CVC can help you demonstrate your suitability for this project by completing several of the possible audits:
ISO 45001:2018 Occupational health and safety management systems (This is the current standard, superseding AS4801:2001. CVC can provide a third-party audit recognised by Jas-Anz.)
ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems (This is a current standard and CVC can provide a third-party audit recognised by Jas-Anz.)
Civil Contractors Federation Management Code (This is a current standard and CVC can provide a third-party audit recognised by Jas-Anz.)
AS 4801 2001: OHS Management Systems (This is a superseded standard. CVC can provide an audit and Letter of Compliance to demonstrate your compliance)
‘SafetyMap’ (This is a superseded standard. CVC can provide an audit and Letter of Compliance to demonstrate your compliance)
Australian Government Building and Construction WHS Accreditation Scheme (CVC do not currently accredit businesses to this scheme.)
Tender No: CFA-2022-0200