Well done Central Vic Stabilising Pty Ltd for retaining your certification to:
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management, ISO 45001:2018 Safety Management and ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management
CVS is a family-owned business established in 2018 and located in Bendigo Victoria. They are a family-run business with many years experience in road stabilising and servicing.
Their team is professional, dedicated and trustworthy. They pride themselves on working effectively, efficiently and to the highest standard. They specialise in the following services:
Road stabilising
Spray sealing
Minor maintenance
Shoulder grading
All earth works
They have been certified for:
"Road stabilisation and related traffic management services."
We enjoyed working with their team and thank them for choosing CVC. We look forward to seeing you next year in Bendigo.
WELL DONE Linda McNeill for another happy customer!
Professional: Very Well
Dedicated: Very Well
Responsive: Very Well
Systematic: Very Well
Intelligent: Very Well
Polite: Very Well
Articulate: Very Well
Empathic: Very Well
Competent: Very Well
Objective: Very Well
Courageous: Very Well
Humble: Very Well
Visit www.cvstabilising.com.au to learn more about their services.

#congratulations #anotherhappy #thankyou #iso9001 #iso45001 #iso14001 #safetymanagement #OHS #environmentmanagement #assurance #qualitymanagement #Vicroads #trafficmanagement #tmi #tmd #EqualAssurance